Coupons & Promotions
Are you looking for coupons and freebies from UOI? Below is a list of the ways you can be the first to know about our current and upcoming promotions!
Email Newsletters
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Our social sites are an easy way to find out about anything new and exciting at UOI! What's easier than seeing a post about our newest giveaway while scrolling through your newsfeed? Follow us on any of the sites below to stay up-to-date!UOI Rewards
We love our customers! To thank them, we have our UOI Rewards Program! Our Rewards Program gives you points for your purchases. You can use these points for free shipping, or to receive a percentage or dollar amount off of your purchase! Learn more about UOI Rewards here.
VIP Texting Program
Text UOI to 815-632-3171 to enroll in our VIP Program! We will send out notifications for every sale, plus exclusive VIP coupons!